Berlin was never considered a gastronomic polo. Known by its fast food, such as the Curry Wurst and the famous Kebab, the German capital did not carry the culture of fine cooking and eating. But things are changing – and really fast!!
Unique and creative as it is, Berlin has been developing over the last decade its own special gastronomic style. Local famers, season products, international mix, innovation and simplicity: it is all part of Berlin’s Menu. And the best of it all – it is a quality cuisine for low prices.
The big leader of this up coming Berlin world is the beloved Markthalle Neun. Located in Kreuzberg this charming market hall offers every Thursdays the best food in town.
With over 40 stands and all kinds of creative and tasty food this place became a phenomenal. Between 4 and 10 p.m the place tunes into a buzz.
Good beer, good wine, good cheese, good bread, good tapas, good Asia, good, German, good fusion, good new! And, of course, a lot of interesting people looking for a place to sit. In our opinion, a absolute go area!
Inspired and want to cook creatively yourself when you’re in Berlin? To celebrate our brand new kitchen here at the Amstel House Hostel Berlin we are sending at least one easy backpacker recipe a week into cyberspace. We’re aiming for at least 25 easy backpacker recipes in total. Check all recipes so far here.
Having travelled the world ourselves we know how nice it is to have a hostel kitchen. It’s a great place to meet fellow travellers. Preparing and sharing tasteful meals together, borrowing each other’s ingredients and recipes. It creates a bond… We decided to put our magic kitchen building wands to use and build you a nifty kitchen. It caters to all your needs and is free to use for all our hostel guests.