Potsdamer Platz is considered a great symbol of vanguard and modernity. Up to 100.000 people come here every day to check it out. In tribute to this pioneering site, the Amstel House has listed 8 points on “Postdamer Platz: one of world’s most cosmopolitan corners”, proving that this is a most go for tourist in town. Check it out:
1- History

All cosmopolitan centers have an incredible history behind. The Potsdamer Platz could not be different. Although it appears in records since the 17th century, the bustling plaza we know now began to rise around 1840 with the construction of the Potsdamer Bahnhof. By the end of the same century – with Berlin achieving a population of 4.4 million – the area was the heart of the 3rd biggest city in the world and gathered trendy worldwide famous hotels, restaurants, cafés and bars. In the beginning of the turbulent 20th century, Potsdamer Platz was the nest of the cool Golden 20s and the stage of the hottest cabarets and jazz nights. The first traffic light in continental Europe was set in its grounds as well as the at-that-time busiest traffic center in whole Europe. The WWII devastated its area and the Berlin Wall crossed its land. In other words, a whole history book passed through Potsdamer Platz before it became what it is today.
2- Architecture
With an aesthetic beyond futuristic the area takes the signatures of many of planet’s best architectures, including Heinz Hilmer, Christoph Sattler, Renzo Piano, Christoph Kohlbecker, Richard Rogers and Arata Isozaki.
3- Art

Such a centre would never miss on art. As the ground for the Berlin Kulturforum, Potsdamer Platz is considered one of the most important culture sites in Germany. The New National Gallery and the Philharmonie are set here, as well as the astonishing Neue Staatsbibliothek (Berlin State Library) and the Gemäldegalerie, which guards one of the most important collections of old masters in the world. This is also a cool playground for the lovers of the seventh art. Besides the Film and Television Museum and the German Film Archive, Berlin’s largest movie screen with world’s best 3-D technology at the IMAX cinema is located at the Sony Center, right at the heart of Potsdamer Platz.
4- Panoramic View

The best place to admire Berlin’s skyline is at the Panoramapunkt at the Kollhoff Building. By travelling with Europe’s fastest elevator up to the 25th floor visitors get excess to an open air viewing platform, an exhibition on the history of the area and a café with an outdoor terrace with a breath taking view of the city.
5- Entertainment

Potsdamer Platz is to Berlin as Broadway is to New York. The Blue Men show, Mamma Mia and the local Hinterm Horizont – that narrate the story of a West-Berliner boy and an East-Berliner girl during the Wall time – are some of the spectacles that are played at the stages of Potsdamer Platz. Also the biggest German film Festival, the Berlinale, takes place in Postdamerplatz.
6- Gastronomy

Not only from the eyes live the senses. Potsdamer Platz also waters the mouth and hosts some very important gourmet addresses of Berlin. Just to name a few: the remarkable FACIL, owner of two Michelin stars; the Grand Hyatt, sophisticated design and fine food; and Lindner Esskultur, one of the best known delicatessens makers of the city.
7- Shopping

Two of the best and biggest shopping malls of the city are in the area: the Potsdamer Platz Arkaden and the LP12 Mall of Berlin. There is absolutely nothing you couldn’t find here.
8- Night life

More deluxe than the famous alternative night scene of Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain, the Potsdamer Platz offers the E4, an impressive venue spread over three storeys with an extravagant atmosphere. Another option at the area is the even more luxurious Adagio, located in Berlin’s largest vaulted cellar, it has a designed interior and terrific theme evenings.